That which is unique is always rare and special, so is with the finesse of Inoxa tiles. Inoxa is synonymous with excellent quality tiles that define the beauty of a well tiled space. One of the largest manufacturer and exporter of ceramic tiles, wall tiles and floor tiles, double charge vitrified tiles, polished glazed vitrified tiles, glazed vitrified tiles and digital tiles, Inoxa is famous for adding that sense of grandeur and splendor through sheer product quality.
Based in Morbi, a town known as the Paris of India given it is the largest production of tiles in the country, Inoxa is identified as a benchmark for innovation. Accompanied by ISO 9001 certified methods of production that provide quality, Inoxa Group is also known as one of the largest producers of tiles in India.
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Years Of Experience
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To make world a more beautiful place - one tile at a time.
We know that someone, somewhere some part of the world is building something of great value to them and we at Colortile want to be a part of it. We work 24x 7 - 365 days a year - to fulfil these demands.
We want to become the first choice of architectures, builders, creators and makers.
We want to innovate and create something that is of value to everyone. We work hard to deliver a top notch product - that passes every test of quality and time.
The best materials are used in all INOXAWORLD products
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